
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jelly Beans, Jelly Beans!

I'm up to my eyeballs in jelly beans today. After working on all these blocks for the bookscase swap, I can smell and taste them! General consensus was that when it comes to jelly beans, more is better, so the jars will stay large. Can you see the one block that has the jar made shorter?


  1. Great work. I really liked the black background you had before, but I guess this is easier to read. Working on all those swaps doesn't leave much time to finish projects does it? I can't finish anything now either. See you soon, I hope. CC

  2. The blocks are great and the jelly beans want to make me open the jar and sample. The black background really makes the jars and colors stand out.

    Bobye Bickel


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