Thursday, March 26, 2009
I learned to make cathedral windows long, long, ago (30 years?) and this was my first project! It was put away, just as you see it on the left. It's a beginner's job for sure -- don't look closely at the windows! The fabric is horrible, and was cut with scissors -- not especially straight. This must have been started before rotary cutters came into style. Evidently, once I learned the technique and had the border half on, I grew tired of the project and stuffed it away. Anyhow, I can't throw away anything I've worked on, so I finished it into a pillow. The back side of my work is so awful that it had to be hidden and as a pillow top it is. This sad little project is now done. Perhaps one of my granddaughters will like it as a tuffet for their dolls.
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going! I made a little cathedral windows pillow 25 yrs. ago, still have it as evidence that I did it,LOL. Never again with that method anyway!
meant to say "GREAT GOING", Pat!