
Tuesday, April 28, 2009


38 heart blocks arrived from the DJ Alternate group Heart To Heart Swap. They aren't trimmed yet, and many have their maker's tagss tacked on the front, but you get the idea. They will be joining my earlier heart blocks in a quilt top, when I'm able.


  1. Lovely, lovely blocks! You are a lucky gal! That will be such a sweet quilt!

  2. Great heart blocks! I like the way you have them layed out. Nice pic. . . I see mine hiding in there, too! *lol*

  3. Hello again, Pat!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and I appreciate you following.
    I love all these H2H blocks... they've been so much fun to swap!
    Hugs, /;-)

  4. I made a lovely wallhanging out of my hearts and love it! It is hanging in our bedroom. You will have a lovely quilt indeed!


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