
Monday, April 6, 2009


I'm on the mend this month from breaking my not so humorous humerus! Mending is never fun, but this.................

they can't cast this break (it's way high, just below the ball of this bone), so after a week in just a sling, my brace arrived and is now safely on. it does feel much more secure this way. i guess this will be my fashion statement for about the next 4 weeks. i think i need a large 'i'd rather be quilting' pin for it, don't you?


  1. looks awkward, I bet it is hard to get use to. Hope you are good at doing things one handed.

  2. Are you left handed? Hope not, so you can at least function some!
    Yes, it definately needs some quilty on it! :o)
    Hey - while I have you here -- I am in the Happy Houses Swap with you and I just wanted to let you know that I have switched my blog over here to Blogger, if you would like to come visit... :o)
    I have you marked to follow... :o)

  3. Gosh, Pat, so sorry to hear about your accident! Must be so inconvenient, as well as painful.
    Thanks for the kind comments you made about my Dear Jane bag and blog!
    You're always welcome to stop by and visit me there!!!
    Get well soon!
    Mary Ann

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry Pat for the previous post, i hit the wrong button!
    I wanted to tell you what a nice star you have on your arm!
    Take care and comme back stitching with us soon!

  6. Hi Pat,

    Sorry to hear about your accident.

    Hopefully you will be healing quickly.

    I said a little prayer for you.

    Cindy in Seattle

  7. Pat, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. I think you need a 'quilting sleeve' on that arm. :-)
    Hope it heels quickly.

  8. Oh no Pat.. I sure hope you get better soon!! I love to read your blog and see what you are about in quilting...hope you mend fast!!


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