Saturday, May 23, 2009
This week, in my on-line bible study, we are studying Rebekah. As a young maiden, she said just the right words at the well, so that she would be identified as the appropriate wife for Isaac. For my Welcoming Hand block I chose to use deep blue to represent the water in the well. The tan is for the camels, so many in number, which she offered to water. The green represents the jealousy and rivalry between her sons, Jacob and Esau, as in 'green with envy'. I think sibling rivalry is a normal emotion. However, for the parents to get involved and play favorites, is a whole other issue. Meddling and trying to take matters into one's own hands seems to be a common theme for these Old Testament women, and perhaps for many women of today also. It can be hard to be still and let God's will play out. I also like the way the cross emerges in this block.
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The block is lovely. It is nice reading about the significance of each block.
Another beautiful block! Thank you again for sharing the story with each new block!