
Saturday, June 27, 2009


I read somewhere that some prefer silent blogs. I decided to poll my readers to see what they prefer. If the majority would prefer silent, I'll remove the music.

Personally I like relaxing music on blogs. If its a certain genre that I don't like to listen to and read, I just silence my volume on my computer, so as not to be distracted.

Majority will rule here, so thanks for voting.



  1. I really LOVE music on blogs (mine has got it, too). Anyway, people can always cut the sound, if they don't want to hear it ;>)
    ... and I like YOUR music ! Please, don't take it out...

  2. I'd rather be able to click on the music myself. It doesn't bother me if there is music playing, though.

  3. If I don't like the music playing, I just mute it. I think if you like it, you should keep it. :)

  4. I love the music. It gives me an idea what the person likes and it is very relaxing!

  5. Pat I think it should be up to the blogger if it is in an conveniant area where the reader can turn off or on the music that would be the readers choice. Everyone has their own tastes in music.. sometimes I listen or sometimes I will turn off.. either way it is your wonderful choices that make a great blog..

  6. Although this is the first time I've visited your blog, I appreciate you asking the question. Personally, I dislike music on blogs. I have my own music playing, and when I open up a blog where there's music, I have to figure out how to turn off one or the other. It would be different if every blog site had the controls at the top right corner - but since blogs are individual, the controls can be anywhere and frequently are.

  7. I personally am not fond of music on blogs

  8. I prefer no music on a blog. Thanks for asking.


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