
Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Jennifer Chiaverini posted this photo of the completed quilt a group of us contributed blocks toward. It went to one of our SBS quilters whose son died while serving in the military. She recently received the quilt.

My block is the fifth across in the second row down, the square-in-a-square block. I wrote a condolence message in the inner square.

I hope this quilt provides some comfort to the mom. I really think it's important for all of us to honor all our military, past and present. It is so easy to sometimes take for granted their huge sacrifice.


  1. What a beauty! And I am sure the Mom will feel blessed in receiving it! A very nice deed!

  2. What a wonderful gesture of compassion. I am sure the Mum will treasure that quilt.

  3. very impressive!! I have been in a couple of quilts made for others where blocks come from all over the world to be put in a quilt for memory. Both I organized and designed so do know how much work went into it. I am sure the mother is very much appreciative and it will serve as a wonderful memory of how many mothers daughters, sisters, aunts, and friends support her and the military for their efforts.

  4. What a great quilt! It must have been wonderful to be a part of it!

  5. thanks for posting that! my block is last one on the right, second row.

  6. A fellow swap friend's block is right next to you on the right! Yes, that's mine. I felt very fortunate to be a part of this quilt.


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