
Thursday, November 5, 2009



Look what the cute UPS guy in brown shorts brought to my door today! It's Jennifer Chiaverini's newest book, and she is my favorite author. It's a balmy, beautiful, day to go out on the lanai and read in the sunshine and fresh air. I'm a happy camper.
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  1. LUCKY you!!! Mine should be here soon too. Had to wait for Jennifer to sign it yesterday there at the Book store in WI. You got your swap blocks early in the day and mine came later the same day, I could get lucky and get my book too...

  2. Do not tell us about the story... My friend is getting me the book for christmas... I have read all her books and I will have to wait to read this one...Enjoy :)

  3. I ordered one copy too...Enjoy the read Pat.


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