
Thursday, December 17, 2009


These are the delightful angel costumes I've been working on. The angels are in my DGS's preschool. Below is the entire cast. My DGS is the drummer boy in long tan pants. I think the sheep and cow may be my favorites! They were all just wonderful, of course!
My sewing machine is very happy to not be stitching through sheet fabric anymore, and also to have the Dual Duty thread gone!!! She's more of an Aurifil gal.


  1. AAAWWWW! They are all so cute! And good for you, for helping with the costumes! Your grandson is adorable as a drummer boy!

  2. Aw shucks! Aren't they cute! I was just driving by my daughters elementary school today and noticed tons of cars. Time for the annual Christmas programs there too! I miss that part of them being in school. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us!
    Have a very Merry Christmas!


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