
Sunday, December 27, 2009


The Block Lotto group is planning to offer "Liberated" blocks for 2010. I took a class with Gwen Marsten on Liberated Stars, and it is really fun to not worry about everything being just 'so'. In fact with liberated blocks, the idea is to be wonky in the block construction, varying how each block looks, but you need the blocks to end up the correct size.

The January block is Tick-Tac-Toe. Picture x's and o's in the quilting. I think it would make a wonderful child's quilt. The blocks go together very quickly, and I made my nine completely from stash.


  1. Ha! I just emailed you about waiting to see Januarys block before deciding if I want to join in... Well... I want to join in! :o) These are sew cute, and I like the idea of not having to be just *so*, as you said! :o)
    Your blocks are really cute!

  2. You are certainly quick off the mark! The blocks look great.

  3. How do I join this group? I love the January block!

  4. Aargh! Those of you who leave questions and then a "no-reply" email drive me nuts! But I will try. LOL!

    Just click on the title of the blog, and or the link in the post, and it will take you to the blog. Join away! It's very fun!


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