
Sunday, December 6, 2009


Here are 20 more of the blocks I received in the SBS Blue/Brown swap. The work is wonderful, especially considering these are small, 6", blocks!


  1. Oh, Pat, seeing these make me really regret I decided against joining in on this swap! You have received some gorgeous blocks!

  2. These are going to make a fantastic quilt!

  3. Pat I love swaps I have not had one go wrong yet...I really love the blocks you rec'd isn't it great to have a sampler of so many fabrics in each of the blocks and the care that everyone put into chosing the fabrics and making them??
    Enjoy..can't wait to see what you do with them

  4. Blue & brown has been a very popular color combination for quilts the last couple years. I enjoyed seeing all the blocks.


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