
Thursday, April 8, 2010


This morning I finished my 67 Siggies for the Dear Jane 2010 Siggie Swap. Above the photo is cropped to show how they will look when trimmed. But we don't trim them up. Each receiver does it. We make them over-sized and the receivers trim to 4 1/2", thereby avoiding the problem of too small blocks, common in swaps. The photo below shows my 7 stacks of 10 each. There's 3 extra's because I work in 10's, but those will be used in the International Siggy Swap. Four blocks are flower print and the rest are spools, in two different fabrics. I also mixed up the ink color for my spool stamp, and some have pale pink fabric for the center and others are off-white -- just to keep it interesting.


  1. Lovely! I can't wait to receive one! :o) I posted a pic of mine on my blog Tuesday - take a peek when you get a chance... :o)

  2. I'm in the swap too. This reminds me - I'd better get going! I wonder if Rosa will keep a database of special siggies.

  3. I am struggling with the block size -- what size is your square in the middle? My test is 3 3/4 inch before sewing the side trianges on --- the one that was given to me is 4" but she didn't use a 1/4 inch seam. Help?

  4. Yolanda,
    I tried to email you, but you left a no-reply addy.

    Anyhow, if you click on Siggy Tutorial on my blog (top left), it takes you through the process.

    The center is cut 3.5" and finishes 3".

    Best wishes,


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