
Sunday, August 1, 2010


I added a new button to my side bar a couple days ago. Did you notice this?

Here's a quote from Rossie's blog. I so agree with her.

"I have made a process pledge. The goal of the process pledge is to create a new sensibility in quilting blogs where we don’t just show finishes or occasionally confess about our moments of indecision, but chat openly and often about our works in progress, our inspirations, and our moments of decision. I know that many of us are already posting about our thinking on quilts and the processes involved from start to finish, let's do more! And let's post about quilts as we work on them. I want to see more half-done quilts, not just the finished thing with a journal entry about the process."

So............I, Pat, pledge to talk more about my processes, even when I can’t quite put them in the in words or be sure I’m being totally clear. I’m going to put my thinking and my gut feelings out there.

Will you join me?


  1. Sure!!! I just took pictures of a quilt in progress that I am doing now. This is a good idea.

  2. Hi Pat. I saw you on Stachbusters and love your blog. I am now following you.

  3. I love this concept! I am also testing to see if I can add a comment to your blog without having one or a goggle account etc
    marianne in Mount Vernon, VA


I love to read your comments. Thanks!

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I love to reply but often can't, if you come in 'no-reply'.

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