
Saturday, September 25, 2010


House blocks seem to be everywhere this month. Block Lotto blocks this month are wonky houses. These are very fun, but I think a bit harder than just following a pattern, like the Christmas Cottages. I have 6 blocks done, but would love to finish 3 more, for the maximum of 9, to increase my chances of winning!


  1. I love that tall yellow one! They are all sewwww cute. Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  2. Hi Pat I was thinking about you the other day. I am the one that was in Shipshewana at the retreat when we were both looking for fabrics to do the butterfly Hawaiian applique'. When I found mine the other day I wondered if you have yours done to bring in November. Mine isn't even to the UFO stage yet. LOL Nice to find your blog.


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