
Saturday, October 16, 2010


Tonight I finished Part 3 of Esther's 12 Days of Christmas mystery. This is a 6 week BOW, so I must be half way there. It feels good to be keeping up!

Maid a Milking

Swan a Swimming

Goose a Laying

Golden Ring

I'm sticking with fusible applique and then doing all the stitching by hand. My Maid's face/hair is a button, as is my diamond. The ring is some braid I found in my drawer. Thanks for the fun patterns, Esther. I love taking your super patterns and then tweaking them to make them 'my own.'


  1. I love the diamond ring - very creative!

  2. These are really cute Pat...all of them very unique.

  3. My goodness, you are really clipping along. I must cut out my greens this afternoon and get going or be left in the dust! lol. I love your 'goose'... she has so much personality the way you positioned her. Lovely work!


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