
Wednesday, October 6, 2010






These terrific blocks from the local houses swap have arrived! In this swap, we all used the same pattern, but used fabrics, etc., that reflect where we live and our interests. I LOVE how they turned out! I took individual photos so that you could see all the detail gals put in. I'm debating between making a wall quilt for my sewing room with them, or a cuddle quilt so I can hug my on-line quilty friends. Either way, it's a great neighborhood, and a great way to get to know each other better.
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  1. Turning the house into a barn with the horse fabric was very creative. You received some very interesting house blocks from your swap.

  2. very talented group of gals- love getting to see their creativity.- cw

  3. These are the different themes.

  4. Such creativity! Those will make a fantastic quilt!

  5. Hi Pat, Great houses they look like a lot of fun. Happy stitching chrisb


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