
Monday, July 18, 2011


Barbara Jack, over at The Sanguine Stitcher, had a blog give-away, and I won! This lovely bag and pin cushion are truly even more lovely in person. The cross-stitch on the cushion is just tiny, really tiny! And perfect! Amazing work.

She also included this post card from Kuala Lampur, in Malaysia, where she lives. On it she wrote a lovely note, and I feel like I have a new friend!

Quilters are so very generous. My DH said, "So you don't know this person, yet she sent this to you?" Well, yes, I know her in blog land, and there are some wonderful quilters out there!

Thanks again Barbara.


  1. Most welcome Pat! Glad to know you liked it and it brightened your day.

  2. Your present is so sweet. Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a lovely wee gift to win - lucky you. I like the spool on the bag - a neat idea.


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