
Tuesday, July 5, 2011



Indeed, in years of doing OPAM, I have never won. But now I have! Yeah!

What is OPAM you ask? Well it's on the side of my blog, where we keep track of finished projects, truly finished, not flimsies, etc., with the goal of finishing at least one a month. Just that encouragement is enough, as well as the kind words when we actually finish something. But each finish does go into a drawing for the month.

My terrific gift prize arrived from Australia today. Yes, the organizers, Kris from Tag Along Teddies, and Peg from Happy In Quilting, are from down under, but the challenge is blogland wide.

My prize came beautifully wrapped in the fabric you see in the background, and tied with the bow. I received a lovely pattern, Candy Girl, three skeins of floss, and a cotton picker. How nice! Thanks Kris and Peg, both for the gifties, and for the challenge


  1. Congratulations - your win will add an extra shine to making the end of month deadline!

  2. Well done on the win. I'm a happy winner too for June - haven't won anything before like this :0). Al very exciting and full of warm fuzzies, lol.


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