
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Look what I woke up to the other day!  DH had been out 'blueberrying'.  These are wild blueberries that grow all over this area.  These are from our property.
Here they are, all cleaned and dried, ready to eat.  Yum!

Wild blueberries are smaller than cultivated ones, so you get lots more nutrients per cup with the wild ones -- more flavor too.

We live in Michigan's Wild Blueberry Capital.  This past weekend was the annual Wild Blueberry Festival, featuring arts and crafts, entertainers, kids games, and of course many yummy wild blueberry treats.  A good time was had by all!


  1. they look like maine wild blueberries which are yummy, you are so right! my mother was born in jonesboro, maine, way "down east" in blueberry country. we loooove them! for my birthday (which is sat) i always have a blueberry pie instead of cake; i can get cake anytime but mom's blueberry pie? priceless!

  2. Yum! I remember as a young child, when we lived in Germany, in the early 70's, we would go to the forest and pick blueberries. I don't think many ever made it home.


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