
Friday, September 30, 2011


A member of one of my on-line quilt groups, recently had the opportunity to go on a 4-week life-changing adventure.  We wanted her to know how proud of her we all are.  Carol, coordinated this 'under the radar' project where we sent her blocks which she then made into a quilt for Cindy.

Here's a close up of the block I sent.  The pattern was from Block Lotto a couple months ago.  The words say "Here's to the new Cindy blooming".

And here's the entire quilt.

I think we managed to really surprise her!  Our generally chatty Cindy, said she was just speechless!


  1. The finished quilt looks great - glad I got to add a small part! :o)

  2. What a wonderful story and teriffic quilt! Love your block, Pat; the words are so touching. Lucky friend!


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