
Friday, September 23, 2011


This week's Skill Builder Sampler block is Beacon Light, made from 'made' fabric.  I always save even the smallest of scraps, sometimes to make 'crumb' blocks, sometimes for applique.  I think the made fabric was perfect for this block, as it looks like the facets on a beacon light.


  1. I save everthing, too. Waste not, want lol.
    Crumb blocks are soooo much fun. What a great idea to put it in the middle of your block. I love it!

  2. Talk about 'pack-rats'; I am The Queen of Pack Rats...Not just piles of fabrics, but piles of journals, articles, and, of course, books. In fact, the family all have the same tendency, though in the case of elder child it's films and books and papers, all of which doesn't bode well for the future of our duplex in central London, or even the appartement in Paris!

    More relevantly, I love this block and may consider it for my 2011 Christmas Block-sent to many, many friends across the world as we know it-if you are agreeable for my 'pinching' your design?



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