
Friday, October 21, 2011


This week I finished the machine buttonhole stitch applique on this quilt for my daughter, as well as getting it all pieced.  I think due to the primitive look, I'll try my hand at big stitch quilting with pearle cotton.  I've used that once before on a smaller project and really liked it.  Watch for progress, as the goal is to have this quilt ready to hang when we leave for FL next month.

She has the perfect sized quilt hanger (made by her brother) waiting for it.


  1. Beautiful, Pat! Any chance you would share a close-up shot of the machine applique? I would love to get more proficient at it... maybe a tute someday? You do such gorgeous work -- lucky DD!
    /; -)

  2. It's gorgeous Pat.
    DD will love it..I want to try the big stitch quilting too..
    Julia ♥


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