
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

WOW = Working On Wednesday

It's another Wednesday and I'm working on my Across the Spectrum quilt.  This is the third Wed. in a row that I've posted about this quilt.  Amazing focus for me!  All the blocks are here now and I have all the rows sewn and am working on sewing them together.  Here are all the rows.  The ones in the background are stacked a bit so I could fit this on my queen-sized guest bed.  It's the largest design surface I have, other than the floor, and with two dogs there's not chance of it staying the way I have it laid out on the floor.

Today I'm washing my backing and border fabrics.  The goal is to stick with this one quilt, start to finish.  I don't think I have ever done that.  Focus, focus.  I'm hoping I can get the quilt rolled tight enough to machine stitch it on my DSM with my walking foot.

If not I'll either big stitch hand quilt it with perle cotton or tie it.  Be still purists!  I love tied quilts.  They have such a primitive look.  And I don't send my quilts out to a longarmer.  Their work is lovely, but I want the quilts I make to be completely made by me.  And my friends. Now if I owned a longarm, I'd use it for sure.  I just don't want someone else to do it.  Just my little quirk.

If you'd like to visit lots of WOW posts pop on over to Esther's blog where she hostesses this weekly event.


  1. It's lovely Pat. I rarely send mine out any more. I do have a friend who will let me use her long arm when I need to though. I still like to do in on my domestic machine if I can.

  2. Blimmy Pat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you find that much time in one week, is hubby making the dinners or is he away?????? Pat it looks stunning and it reminds me of the early 1910 quilts so would look lovely tied with the same fabrics you have used. Fantastic job.

  3. I like to say "I did it all Myself" too! Looks great, Pat. Way to stay focused.

  4. looks great, I have fabrics in mind for doing a similar project, wanna bet mine take longer than yours? cw

  5. that is a beautiful quilt! the small light squares really pop out at you..

  6. Pat this is a gorgeous quilt and such a lot of work. Well done

  7. Good on you for focussing so well :-) the quilt looks stunning! I'm a bit like that with my quilting too, which is why I have a nice little pile of flimsies awaiting attention! A friend of mine professionally quilts all shapes and sizes (even huge quilts) on her domestic machine--it is possible. Good luck with how you decide to quilt it.

  8. Love it Pat. are those 6" blocks?
    I quilt on my DSM, but don't roll the quilt up, I more fan fold (the fluff and stuff by Paula Reid method) I did my queen size DJ that way (I added an extra border to make it fit).

  9. Thanks, Connie. You came in as 'no reply' so I can't email you back. So here's my response. I hope you come back to read.

    Oh that is very encouraging. I do hope to get a DSM with more space in the next year or two. The blocks finish at 4.5". I'll check on this method - Paula Reid. Thanks!


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