
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WOW = Working On Wednesday

What am I doing this week?

 Enjoying the unusually warm temperatures and the spectacular autumn color.  Here's the view down the road from our driveway.
 Up the road from our driveway.....................
 Along our wire line...............
 And pulling into our driveway.
Nature at its most awesome!  It's my favorite season for sure!

And to make this quilt related, I'm using autumn fabrics in my Mill Girls Quilt.  That Quilt Along (scroll down on the left sidebar for link) starts Friday.


  1. I agree that you have a beautiful view. That must be in Michigan? It doesn't look like what I imagine Florida to look like. I'm in the Texas desert so we don't have views like that.

  2. A lot of people love spring the best but after spending an autumn in Canada Autumn has to be mine now. Your country roads are truly beautiful Pat. Glad you are back in time to watch the change.

  3. Love your view and the fall colours.

  4. WOW, that just reminded me of old hometown now I'm sad:<( beautiful picture....

  5. Beautiful. We are seeing unusually cold weather. Blah!!!
    Oh well, gives me more indoor time.

  6. what a beautiful area you live in Pat! would be lovely watching the changes in the trees as the seasons move on!
    shirley from esther's group

  7. Hi Pat your area is just beautiful at present, you must enjoy just going outside and thinking!!!!! I spent 4 months from Sept near Toronto one year and I had NEVER seen such Autumn colours in my life, I kept taking photos of my black boots covered deep in maple leaves that have shade of colour under the sun!!!!!
    I had a lovely visit to The Mills Girls site, very very interesting. Cheers Glenda


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