
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Two-color quilts are all the rage after that terrific red and white quilt exhibit in NYC last summer.  I think I really must make one in 2012.  What better way, than to follow along with Brenda Papadakis (Dear Jane) and Gay Bomers (Sentimental Stitches) as they do a mystery quilt-along starting January 1?
They will share two installments per month, one from each of them.  The block sizes vary  between 3", 6", 9", 12", and 15".  No boredom there!  There will be about 2,600 pieces in this quilt!  But who's counting?

Hop over here to check this out.

My only dilemma is which two colors.  Red and white?  Blue and white?  Black and white?  Tangerine and turquoise (not, but they are popular right now)?  Blue and cream?  Oh my head is spinning.  And once I settle on color, is that two fabrics or many fabrics in just those two colors?  Oh the choices.  Can't wait to see these quilts popping up all over the net and see what all those creative minds are coming up with.

The fun begins January 1, the same day my LQS has their annual 40% everything sale.  Coincidence?  I think not, LOL!


  1. So glad that I'll be making this one, Pat! And happy to see that you are too! *VBG*

    I'm making mine in scrappy reds and scrappy whites.... don't like to waste my imagination on figuring out different colors (read: I'm too lazy! LOL)

    I never really cared for "red" till I joined up with Bonnie Hunter's Orca Bay Mystery Quilt...

    Happy New Years!


  2. What colors did you pick Pat? The red and white looks like a good choice. It could be a replacement of an old red and white that I got rid of years ago [what was I thinking].

  3. Glad you are joining us -- This looks like an interesting and fun project for 2012.

  4. I might be doing blue and white because I'm already working on swap blocks in red and white. Have both - love both!

  5. This looks like fun Pat...I might join in too.
    Julia ♥


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