
Monday, December 19, 2011


Most of you know that DH and I have recently moved into our new down-sized Florida residence.  Well, I say moved in loosely.  We've been living kind of early-college style - the way we did when we were first married 42 years ago.  That means boxes for end tables, no kitchen table, two chairs, and a bed.

It's was by necessity then.  Now it's by choice as we painted almost all the walls, before getting the rest of our stuff out of storage.  Today is the big move-in day, when all the furniture and boxes are due to arrive any time now.

While waiting I decided to take pictures of my new sewing studio.  It's intended purpose is a bedroom.  The builder's flat paint in a tan just didn't do it for me, so DH painted it Jersey Cream in a semi-gloss.  I love the walls - neutral but warm - a color that won't interfere with quilt colors.  That's about all there is to love so far, but my Koala cabinets arrive today.  Follow my progress as I set it up over the next couple months.  I know just how it looks in my mind.  We'll see if that happens!


  1. It will look just as you intend in your mind IF you don't have too much stuff for the size of the room....

    Exciting !

  2. Your new sewing area is wonderful, and those snowman cookies are adorable. Merry Christmas Pat!

  3. I have a daughter who lives in Florida. Who knows, we may get to meet some day.

  4. moving day is always excited. My oldest daughter and boyfriend are moving out this week, that is even more exciting! LOL! Can't wait to see how you put your room together.

  5. This is such a great start! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  6. What fun! To start from scratch is divine. Enjoy yourself, and I'll enjoy watching!

  7. It will be fun watching you make your craft room from the bottom up. =) Take lots of pictures!


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