
Monday, December 12, 2011


The first 5 snow people from Rosa's swap on DJ Alternate have made their way to Florida.

This very self-confident one knows it's a star!

But this one looks a bit concerned about the Florida sunshine!

And this poor melty one didn't have a chance.  He was made in Florida and sent to Florida.

Here's a cheery one, all happy in its machine-embroidery.

Canadians know how to do snowpeople.  This one came all bundled up in a jacket!

There's still quite a few more that should be coming.  I think this will be a fun quilt to put together this winter.


  1. These are just great. Who knew Florida had such great snowmen!

  2. Absolutely adorable. I love snow people.

  3. Going to be lovely for sure. Us Florida people, make ours out of sand from the Gulf of Mexico, it is white as snow.

  4. Too cute!~ Lovely variety, it looks like! :o)

  5. Darling. These snow people are so cute! Now the rest of us that had a chance to join the swap, and didn't!, are pea-green with envy! lol.

  6. Your snowmen look great Pat....very cute...hugs Khris


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