
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Building Houses From Scraps 2012

Have you noticed these tiny 3" houses made from scraps popping up all over the net?  This mania is fast spreading around the world.  It's the brain child of  Jeanneke of the Netherlands.  Make one a day in 2012 and you will end up with 366 little houses (it's leap year). 

You know I save every itty bitty scrap.  You know I love house blocks.  They are intended to surround one big house block, and you have a great quilt to commemorate the year.  Check it out here.

Nothing like a new project, and I'm already behind!  Eight days to catch up.  Geesh!


  1. I have been busy making houses, don't know if I can get to one a day, but I am trying to work on them here and there throughout the year. I increased the size of my houses to 4" squares and am using a variety of different houses, even a lighthouse! Love using scraps, it's been fun so far, it'll be interesting to see if I end up with a table runner or a quilt at the end of the year!
    Happy Stitching!

  2. It is a fun thought to make one a day, boy, I'll have to get faster. I'm not promising full size, but I just have to do some. Man, these pieces are TINY!

  3. Are you kidding? YOU??? You'll be caught up in no time flat. No grass grows under your feet, sweet friend.
    Have fun with your houses. Isn't this a great project?

  4. Been prepping fabric today to make a start next week on my houses. Pressing my scraps and color sorting them. I am going to paper piece them, starting Monday. I will look forward to seeing yours.


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