
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I enjoyed making these cards last night. Card making is one of the monthly activities with our neighborhood association at the clubhouse.  The lady bug brad in this one is sooo cute!  I think it's bound to make someone who's under the weather feel better.

And, of course, who doesn't love St. Patrick's Day?

The best part of course, was the chatter and laughter, and getting to know the neighbors.  Following card making four of us stayed on to play Hand and Foot, a new-to-me card game.  It's quite popular here, and not too complicated.  However, it was nice of the gals who offered to play a game with me, open-handed when needed, for learning the game for the first time.


  1. Very Cute Pat, know you enjoy making these cards. I saw a bunch of bugs on Bunny Hill today.

  2. Very cute, Pat! And what a nice project for neighbors to work on together. We don't have a clubhouse in our neighborhood, but I have long thought a crafternoon would nice now and then!

  3. Cute cards :) Be careful card making & scrapbooking are as addictive as sewing/quilting...Don't ask how I know!!! LOL
    Just Have Fun with whatever you are doiong :)

  4. Ok, I see the most adorable quilt made with your "caught the bug" card. I am going to have to act on this one you know!!!!

  5. Gorgeous cards, especially the ladybird - this is something I haven't done but I can see how much fun it would be... and a bit more instant than quilting!!

  6. Darling cards. Sounds like a a great way to spend an afternoon... crafing, new friends, & cards. Golly, it hardly gets better.

  7. Your creativity is shining through with card making now! Both cards are very cute. My cousin does this and it is very addictive. Some days it may be hard for you to choose between card making and quilting :)

  8. Cute Cards. I love making them too. And...I is as addicting as quiltmaking.
    Great Job!


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