
Sunday, February 26, 2012


Some of you have noticed a new button on my blog.  Yes, it's the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt Along 2012 (FWS QAL).  Yippie!  I got the fabric to make this quilt last year, but then I couldn't find a group, or anyone, to do it with. The only groups I found had just finished up.  Well, as you know, quilting is much more fun when shared, so into a box it all went -- book, EQ CD, fabric, motivation. 

Then, while blog hopping, I found Brywood Needleworks, and she just started a FWS QAL last month.  Yeah!  I'm not too much behind.  I left both DJ and SBS in Michigan, to take a break and get my mojo for those back.  But, I miss working on a sampler quilt.  Match made in heaven blog land.

It's still open for sign ups, so if you've always wanted to make this quilt, join the fun.  Donna promises laughter, tips, prizes, etc., along the way.  Just click on the button icon here in this post, or on my sidebar.


  1. I am so tempted to join this QAL (as if I don't already have enough to do!). My SBS blocks are finished and I miss sewing the little sampler blocks so . . . should I or shouldn't I???

  2. Of course you should Debbie, whats another project. What size our the blocks and are they the same pattern names as the DJ or SBS.

  3. Dang I forgot about the stashbusters at Sewing Studio. I need to add it to my calendar! My stash is overwhelming.

  4. Hi, Pat! What a surprise to see you at the Stashbashers club yesterday. Seeing a familiar face in a crowd is always heartwarming especially if they share an interest. Hope to see you again next month.


  5. Your FW will be beautiful, I'm sure. I'll watch from the sidelines, I have to admit that is one quilt that scares me!

  6. Welcome to FW QAL. I am a complete novice quilter and I joined the fun because I adore Donna. Please visit my blog and see my beginners block attempts. Happy Quilting...

  7. Oh Pat you did it to me again! Oh yes I had to join the group (or at least I think I did join correctly)
    I have put my FWQ on hold but have 94 blocks finished and several ready to finish, so it's time to get back into the swing of things right? Thanks for shaking the dust off


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