
Friday, September 21, 2012


My DJSS got behind, as life got in the way for her. She sure made up for it with the lovely box I received this week.
For July and my b'day she sent sock knitting things -- a book, super yarn, knit pick needles, snacks for sustenance, and it was all wrapped in the gorgeous FQ.
Aug, and Sept. gifts were wrapped in wonderful FQs too.
August brought 3 lovely black on black FQs, a stitch marker/holder set, marking pens, and chocolates.  Yum!
For Sept. more beautiful fabric, Circleeze, a note pad, and a good read.

I sure hope her life is going smoother.  I can tell from the care she puts in to what she sends that she is a very thoughtful, giving person.

December and the big reveal isn't that far off.  Can't wait!  And thanks once again, if you are reading here, SP.


  1. Wow; lucky you receiving a big package and yummy things in the post. Your partner really has put a lot of thought into them and there is such a variety of goodies.

  2. Nice goodies, Pat! The DJSP Game is a lot of fun - always a huge surprise in Dec or Jan to find out who it is! I've never guessed... have you?


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