
Thursday, September 13, 2012


I love hand embroidery.  That's one of the reasons I signed up for this swap (link on my side bar, but it is closed now).  My recipient said she likes blue, so yesterday I started pulling fabrics for the borders as well as embroidery threads for the center.  I won't use all of these fabrics, but it's a start for color palette to select threads.  I haven't decided on the border scheme yet anyway.

While watching TV last night, I embroidered the words in dark blue.  Next comes the arbor and flowers.  Mine has to travel quite a way so I want to get on it soonest.  I don't think this post will give too much away, as there are almost 200 swappers.

Word Verification:  I have once again removed that pesky word verification on comments that is so hard for some to read, thus making it easier for you to leave a comment.  As usual when I removed that step, within hours I had received two robot spam comments, but both were now caught by the comment spam filter, and weren't posted.  Yeah blogspot!  So as long as this works I'll leave it easy for you to comment.

Hope everyone finds time to stitch today.  I just came back from light aerobics, and am ready to get to work.


  1. I know a lot of people don't like to comment with the robot stuff, mine all get caught and I just delete them once a day. Hopefully Bonnie's post will help others decided to chance it too.

    I think your blues are wonderful, can't wait to see what you come up with! cw

  2. Just to encourage you - here is a nice comment :0). I enjoy reading your blog and I am not a robot. Have a wonderful time stitching your swap gift.

  3. I like to encourage, and you -or anyone!- removing that pesky thing is good! Enjoy your embroidery, Miss Pat!

  4. This is a fun project, isn't it? Can't wait to see what you design.
    Thanks for removing the pesky WV thingy - it's so hard to read. I get some spam, too, but not much and so far Blogger has caught it all! Yippee.


I love to read your comments. Thanks!

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