
Monday, September 17, 2012


Yesterday I finished the embroidery stitching on the Friendship Mini Quilt Swap.  Now to decide what to do for borders.  The piece measures about 5 x 7 inches, and the quilt minimum size is 12" but it can also be larger if desired, up to some maximum size.

I'm pretty sure I'll do a 1/2" first border with that batik blue, but then what?  I do like the plaid, and also the print on the bottom.  I want it to have blues, as that's a favorite of the receiver, but I think it needs some others colors too.  So, a pieced border?  Maybe some applique flowers in the border?  Oh and I need to add some yellow centers to the blue daisies still.  Maybe beads or maybe French knots? 

Decisions, decisions.  Any suggestions are most welcome!  Thanks!


  1. Looks great. Blue and yellow always work! Maybe 9 patches running together. I'm sure whatever you do will be gorgeous!

  2. Lookin' great, my friend. Can't wait to see what you decide on borders.


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