
Saturday, September 29, 2012


Thursday's mail brought my row swap home to me.  This is a swap where the 'owner' selects her theme, makes the first row, adds a few fabrics, and sends it on.  Each quilter makes a row and sends it on around the circle of quilters, until it arrives back home with the owner.  I feel a little (just a tad, mind you) guilty opening mine, when I still haven't finished Linda's Southwest theme row.  But.............  like I was going to leave the envelope unopened?  Not!

In the photo, the top beach cabanas and palm trees are my starter row.  I wanted a beach in soft colors to go with my guest room theme.

Second: Beach umbrellas from Cindy D.  Love the details!  Look how she even shaped the shadows for the tilt of the umbrellas.
Third are flip-flops from Carol, each with a unique, embellished strap.  There's even a crab on the beach.

Fourth are pails and shovels from Terry.  No beach scene would be complete without them, and she added embellishments too.

Fifth is that amazing fish swimming though sea weed row from Linda!  Stunning!

Sixth is the beach sunset row.  I love the way Angela captured all the beach colors flickering on the water at sunset!  See that 'sun' in the center?
Seventh is the row with four pieced blocks in my color scheme from Cindy F.  Very nice.
My guests will sure have something to talk abut when they see this on the guest room wall!
Each time we do this swap, my family and I are blown away at the care, thought, time, effort, purchasing extras, etc., we quilters are happy to put into a quilt for someone else.

I'm humbled to be part of this group!  A huge thank you to all participants.

PS:  My blog banner is my starter row from the first time we did this swap.  My theme then was 'sewing studio'.
Edit:  Just wanted to add, these are not sewn together.  The 'owner' gets to play with them and assemble them how she wants.



  1. Very nice, Pat. Is this the final size or will you put some borders around it? The colors are so soft and pretty. Tranquil... like the beach.

  2. It is great Pat, it is very holiday-like, restful colours and fun rows! I have been involved in this type of project before and it was also amazing what everyone did for each other.

  3. What fun this little quilt is! I look forward to seeing how you finish it :) I did a row RR with a small quilting group several years ago. There was no width size limit set and so it was really fun putting it together since the rows weren't attached as it went around. But it ended up wonderful and unique.

  4. Pat it's absolutely wonderful! LOVE it! Amazing detail.

  5. Pat I have engaged in these row robins and had it where we didn`t sew the rows. Yours is just fantastic each one of your participants really put alot of thought and care in each of those rows, I don`t know it would really make a great wall hanging. I just love it! it shows how great each quilter can be in designing their row.

  6. Oh, you have a winner in your quilt, what sweet friends to put such thought into their row for your finish! It will be a beautiful addition to your guest room ~


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