
Saturday, October 13, 2012


Yesterday I put my row robin quilt together.  I'm naming it "Dreamy Beach" and it will go on the wall of my guest room.  I hope it helps my guests have balmy dreams.

Here's a close up of the top. The top row is sunrise/sunset, rippling on the water from Angela. She's so creative -- the ripples and blending colors are perfect.  The next row is beach umbrellas. I love how Cindy D. slanted them, and made perfect shadows! Third is my starter theme row, with paper pieced cabanas and palm trees.
The fourth row is pails and shovels from Terry.  She used dimensional handles on the pails (ribbon attached with buttons), and added sea shells too.  Carol sent the flip-flops.  Each pair is unique and has embellished straps.  There's also a little applique crab at the bottom, suggested by her granddaughter.  The bottom row is from Linda.  She made the beautiful fish swimming through the sea weed. It's so realistic how they are swimming in and out.
Here's a close up of the border fabric.  The green is all beach names, and the corners are beach clothes hanging on the line.  They're from Lucy's Crab Shack by Moda.
I wanted to give this quilt proper documentation, so I used the blocks from Cindy F. to embellish the labels from each participant, and well as the long one from me in the center, explaining the whole thing.  This will be part of the backing, not attached afterward.
My quilt exceeded my expectations.  I'm so touched to be in a group of such caring women who put so much effort and love into the rows they make for others.  I only know Carol in person.  The others are on-line quilting friends.
We each set our own theme, made our starter row, added some fabric to be used or not, and sent the pack around the circle.  The 'owner' sets the rows together to her own liking when she gets them back.  I'll be sharing some of the other rows belonging to other gals in this swap, as they get back to their owners.  It's all secret until then, so I couldn't share what I made for them as we went along.


  1. Well just how stinkin cute is that! Love it!

  2. Absolutely adorable, Pat!!!!

    And yes, your quilt is so appropriate! :-)))


  3. WOW Pat, although I didn't participate in the swap I love what you did with yours! Enjoy! Carmela in PA

  4. Great quilt, Pat. Love it. Sounds like your RR was a lot of fun. YOur title is so cool... it goes with the quilt perfectly!

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