
Friday, November 30, 2012


There hasn't been much sewing from me this week, with 3 doctor appointments on the docket, and one requiring an overnight.  However my daughter, Melissa, did pop in to sew 28 nightcaps for her daughter's preschool.  

The kiddos will be wearing them with pajamas on a float in the Christmas parade tomorrow. We finished them in a couple hours, working together. Many hands make light work! Plus I LOVE sewing with my DD.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Do you love a good mystery quilt?  Bonnie Hunter is famous for them.  Generally her mysteries are tons and tons of tiny pieces.  However, this time she promises this one will be Easy Street.

I have plenty of projects going already, and lots to finish before Christmas.  But (famous last word) I do love a good mystery, and the colors she's using really called to me.  Hmmm..................  Well, I was organizing my stash shelves today anyway, and some fabrics just fell into a pile,, just for this project.

Aquas/teals, limes/aqua greens, purples.  Check,  Plenty of them and good variety.

Black on whites?  Check.  At least 3 yards and lots of variety.  2 yards of a gray?  No, but a mostly black with a gray line, Check. 

These are all from my shelves.  No need to dig in bins.  Did it make a dent?  Ha!  No!  Had trouble fitting the rest back after pulling these.

The first step went up today.  There will be one a week for however long it takes (6 or 8 weeks).  You can click to Easy Street here,, or on my side bar.


Thursday, November 22, 2012


We all have much to be thankful for.  I'm including my on-line friends in my list.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Do you use a pillow in your lap when you do handwork?  Many quilters have a pillow they use.  It holds the work up so your arms don't get tired.

I use a Quilter's Cut 'n Press for mine.  I got this tip from Linda Franz of Inklingo.  I put the cutting side down, and use the pressing side.  I can stick my pins and needles into it.  On a larger pin I put the loop of the handle of my applique scissors.  My needle threader rests nicely too.  Thread spools and thimbles can rest on larger pins too.

This is a Dutch Treat bock I'm working on.  But if hand-piecing, the fabric pieces can be laid out on the surface in order and won't move around.

When I get up it's easy to just move the whole thing and set it on a flat surface.  Everything stays in place, ready to pick up when I'm ready.

Hope all you blog-hoppers find some time to stitch today.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


This little cuttie arrived yesterday from Frummie.  He's machine embroidered and appliqued.  Looks like a playful little guy, ready for a snowball fight.  He joins my Melty on my design wall.  Two here, ten to arrive.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


My dear friend, Ginny, who is always looking out for others, was at a sale yesterday, where an elderly woman was selling off her quilting book collection.  Ginny selected two of those reusable grocery bags full for me!  Ginny doesn't quilt, but she knows I do.  Her specialty is warming the hearts of all those she comes in contact with.  What a blessing she is.

I tried to get a creative picture to show how many books and some of the titles.  All these books are copyrighted 1985 through 1995, so there's some real classics in the lot, including three of Georgia Bonesteel's originals, and an early Judy Martin book.  All of these books are in excellent, hardly ever used, condition.  No writing, no tears, etc.

Perhaps you can see some of the titles better here.

Or not, LOL!  But you get the idea!  I'm a kid in the candy store, scanning through old pictures of Fons and Porter and Debbie Mum.  Treasures!

Here's a quilt I'm adding to the ever growing to-do list of WHIMMs -- Works Hidden In My Mind.  This little Baltimore Album quilt is only 20" x 25" total.  The blocks are 4".  Why as my eyes and fingers get older, does my mind want to take on greater and greater challenge???

Of course Ginny wouldn't tell me how much she paid, just saying the lady was happy to get rid of them as she moves on to an assisted living, or something like that.

I think I have a way to pay her back for the kindness.  But mums the word for now.  However, thank you Ginny!

Hope you are having as wonderful a day as I am.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


My snowpeople are in the mail.  Here's the whole gang, minus one.  That one was already sealed in it's envelope when I decided to take the picture. 

While they are pretty much the same, they each have thier own personality too.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Just a little plug today, for one of my favorite online fabric stores.  I sent them an email on Friday asking about a certain fabric (how large is the print, how much do you have, etc.).  I heard back right away and placed my order the same day.  On Monday my ordered arrived.

10 yards of a lovely print at $4.00 per yard, all stuffed in a flat rate $5 envelope!  Amazing!  Fabric at the best price, shipped at the best rate, and the fastest service ever!

I have no affiliation whatever.  Just sharing what I know.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Don't forget to vote today, my American friends.  It may be 'inconvenient' in your busy day, but stop and think about what our foremothers went through to win this right for us.  I took advantage of early voting here in Florida.

I think I'll spend the afternoon working on quilt blocks for my Women's Suffrage quilt.  You can link to the project on my sidebar.  There's a block a week, as well as historical information on the movement.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Here are my six Disappearing 4-Patch blocks that will go in the mail tomorrow on their way to Erin of My Patchwork Life.  She's collecting blocks to be made into quilts for the victims.  As Carol, over at Brown Quilts, said, it's nice to be able to actually DO something to provide a little comfort, and to let people know we care. 

Click on over to Erin's blog for details on how you can get invovled, and a tutorial for the block pattern.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Do you have time and fabric to whip up a couple Disappearing 4-Patch blocks for those in need, after Sandy?  Erin, over at My Patchwork Life blog ia collecting these 12" blocks to assemble quilts for the disaster victims.  Check out her blog for info and a tutorial to make the blocks.  Quilters always care, and are so generous.