
Sunday, November 11, 2012


My dear friend, Ginny, who is always looking out for others, was at a sale yesterday, where an elderly woman was selling off her quilting book collection.  Ginny selected two of those reusable grocery bags full for me!  Ginny doesn't quilt, but she knows I do.  Her specialty is warming the hearts of all those she comes in contact with.  What a blessing she is.

I tried to get a creative picture to show how many books and some of the titles.  All these books are copyrighted 1985 through 1995, so there's some real classics in the lot, including three of Georgia Bonesteel's originals, and an early Judy Martin book.  All of these books are in excellent, hardly ever used, condition.  No writing, no tears, etc.

Perhaps you can see some of the titles better here.

Or not, LOL!  But you get the idea!  I'm a kid in the candy store, scanning through old pictures of Fons and Porter and Debbie Mum.  Treasures!

Here's a quilt I'm adding to the ever growing to-do list of WHIMMs -- Works Hidden In My Mind.  This little Baltimore Album quilt is only 20" x 25" total.  The blocks are 4".  Why as my eyes and fingers get older, does my mind want to take on greater and greater challenge???

Of course Ginny wouldn't tell me how much she paid, just saying the lady was happy to get rid of them as she moves on to an assisted living, or something like that.

I think I have a way to pay her back for the kindness.  But mums the word for now.  However, thank you Ginny!

Hope you are having as wonderful a day as I am.


  1. nice "old" stash...sometimes i get one or two at the library sale....worth their weight in gold! enjoy!

  2. Absolutely delightful. What a darling friend you have. I recognize most of the books... your friend sure chose some treasures for you.
    [I'm on my 5th try to 'read' the symbols... maybe i am a robot. lol]

  3. I have a lot of those books and bought many of them in the mid to late 80's. I really like Georgia Bonesteel's lap quilting book and have them all. It's a great alternative to quilting an entire quilt in a frame. Enjoy!


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