
Sunday, January 6, 2013


One of my yahoo groups does an annual Friendship Swap with signed blocks.  This year we voted to do something different, loosely based on a swap in one of Jennifer Chiaverini's books, The Cross-Country Quilters.
We each selected a fabric that represents us.  Mine is above.  I love the soft flower colors, and that's how my green thumb is -- in fabric, not plants!  We mail a FQ of the same fabric to every participant.
The receiver has chosen a block to represent her.  I'm making Patience Corners blocks, from quilters cache.  Any idea why I'd be needing patience, and how it might represent me???
Anyhow, I received Debbies FQ, a lovely floral with large roses.  I fussy cut them to make my first Patience Corner block, which will be sent back to Debbie.  I had the perfect (IMHO) fabric to go with it, green leaves, in my stash.

In the end, I'll be receiving back twenty 12" blocks, each containiing my fabric and whatever the others put with it, in blocks representing them.  It's a nice tie for us -- a fabric representing us, made up in blocks representing the whole group.

Our group is worldwide, hence the name, Around the World Swap.

It's already the 6th, and this is my stitching of the year!  But I have done some straightening in the studio, and that is much harder.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!


  1. Your block for Debbie is lovely. The fabric really makes the simple pattern unique

  2. The green looks good, should have taken a snip or two.

  3. Oh how fun! Hope you'll post pics along the way and all of us can "participate" vicariously through you. lol. Seriously, the fabrics are great.


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