
Thursday, January 24, 2013

JAEL, redo

There are times when you live with less than perfect blocks, and there are times when they drive you crazy and you redo them.  That's the case with my Women of the Bible block for Jael, Arab Tent.  Jael was quite the strong woman; after all, she killed Sisera with a tent peg through his temple.  My wonky block wasn't doing her justice.  So this afternoon I took out part and redid it.  I like the moons in this fabric much better, and the curves are better this way too.  Still not perfect, but much better!


  1. I think this block is beautiful. I love your color choices and the pattern. Is it paper pieced? Also, would you happen to know the fabric line? I have been wanting some pretty peach colored fabrics to make a quilt to match my bedroom.

  2. Great block, Pat. I love it. The colors are wonderful, too.


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