
Thursday, February 21, 2013


My friend Bea is hostessing a quilt along.  This one promises to be a skill builder so it's perfect if you are adding to your repertoire of skills.  Hop on over to Bea's blog here to get the details and yardage requirements. 

Bea is so sweet in sharing her skills.  Notice she offers EQ information and help, plus many other great things (including super pictures of her baby, Sonja).

BTW, Bea is not pronounced like a buzzing bee.  It's be a, as in 'be a quilter', hence the name of her blog.


  1. THANKS! for the shout out and name correction :-)

  2. Thanks Pat - I've checked it out and it really looks interesting - I think I'm going to try it.

  3. Sounds good, Pat. I love Bea's blog too. Sew much good stuff and she's nice people!


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