
Saturday, February 9, 2013


Linda and Monkey are up to mischief!  They have created an Inklingo mystery, The Case of the Secret Garden, and it's for gals just like me.

Me?  Why me?  Because I love how Inklingo prints cutting and piecing lines right on your fabric.  Because it's so easy to stitch that way.  Because you don't need to make templates for tough pieces.  Well, that sounds like it would be for anyone.  Why me?

Because I have sewn Inklingo blocks (hexies) that someone else sent me, loved it, ordered it (hey, some of the shapes are free), and shelved it.  Printing on fabric seemed confusing.  It must be hard.  Well, probably not hard, as everyone else seems to do it.  There's even a Yahoo group for Inlingo users, and they are nice -- no dumb questions except the ones you don't ask.  Linda is nice, and answers questions, and she has Monkey to boot.  So why don't I use it?

I don't know.  But, The Case Of The Secret Garden promises to get folks like me going.  All the mystery will be taken out.  It's a small project, no big commitment.  It only takes four fabrics (from stash in my case).  New clues will be posted, and there will be support from others making the same thing at the same time.  Baby steps.

So with encouragement from my online friend Cyn (we must meet one day!), I'm in.  By the way, it is not just for beginner users of Inklingo.  It's for everyone.  This is a new shape in the every-growing collection.

I ordered the one set I needed and didn't have last night.  Sure enough, easy peasey, downloaded on my computer.  It even came with free stuff too!  Why not?  I downloaded the first clue.  Easy.  I'm ready for more.  Bring it on, Monkey!
If you are confused as to what Inklingo is, what the mystery is about, or any of this post, just click on the links in the post.  I'll have a link to the mystery on my sidebar too.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Glad you joined in. Can't wait to see what the next clue is... have to wait until Monday!
    Love your post... so cute!


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