
Saturday, February 16, 2013


Meet Borachio, the first block in Sindy R.'s new BOM, 'Whoo Knows?'.  Sindy used browns and greens for hers, but I'm going with brights.

The eyes are a fussy cut from an ugly free FQ on a shop hop.  It's really horrible brown flowers printed on off-white.  I think making eyes out of the flowers proves there are no ugly fabrics, it's all in how you use it, LOL!

Block patterns are free for one month, or you can buy the whole quilt pattern now.  Hop over to Fat Cats to check it out.


  1. Cute as can be...LOVE the eyes!

  2. awww! it's a HOOT!! you know I LOVE owls :-)

  3. That ugly fabric was the perfect piece for his eyes! What a score.

  4. How cute your little owl is! I like your attitude about ugly fabric. All in the eye of the beholder!

  5. Pat love your owl. I am doing this BOM with Sindy also.. I want to make it for my sil , she loves owls
    since I seen this pattern I have seen so many others Owls are the "in" thing.


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