
Saturday, March 16, 2013


For quilters today is a day to celebrate our craft -- all over the world.  I joined in a WWQD swap where we each waited for today to open our gifts.  Mine has been here, hiding in my cabinet for almost a month.  I was good, and waited to open it this morning (I must admit I felt a bit like a kid on Christmas).

Marianne made this adorable mug rug for me.  Love it!
She also included these fun extras:  rick rack, note cards, FQ, pattern, project bag, and a nice card.
Hope you are celebrating today too!


  1. that is a very cute mug rug, I have not seen one like it!

  2. How fun---love your mug rug. :) Happy Quilting Day and Happy St. Paddy's Day. :)


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