
Friday, May 24, 2013


My Never Ending Granny has grown this week.  It's getting larger as the skeins of yarn in the basket get more and more limp:)


  1. I was just TRYING to teach my 8yr old daughter to crochet two days ago, she got frustrated, but today brought it to school :-) it's hard since she's left handed but I think she's doing it right handed because I am...

  2. Lookin' great, Pat! You are really whizzing along. How big do you plan to go? I'm about due to get more yarn... the balls are dwindling... how about you?

  3. Pat...It looks great. This is a really fun project, and I'm glad we are all working on it together!

  4. Hi Pat:
    I just started reading your blog; wonderful quilts! I am a knitter and crocheter and have made several granny square afghans, lap robes, etc. I just love how they change as you go along. It looks like you have a definite color pattern worked out. When teaching my granddaughters I've suggested that they use whatever colors appeal to them and the results are really fun and individual. Who cares if the colors "go together?" They're pieces of art, right? Love your blog.


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