
Friday, June 7, 2013


This week I worked on another round robin quilt.  Above is how it looked when I sent it off to AZ. 
Below is how the quilt looked when it arrived to me.  The first border quilter turned the center on point and added some applique too.  I added the CW print beige strip to set off that part, and to bring it up to a size that would fit my design.  I needed space for an odd number of flying geese to fit each side.
Generally the selecting fabric part is one of my favorites.  But this time I selected, cut, and started the stitching several times, before finally being happy with my third choice.

I'm ahead of the game on this swap now.  The next one is due to me late in July.  I hope it comes early, but it's all good.

I also worked on a row for a row swap this week, but that one is top secret until the owner gets it back.    The theme was Harry Potter, so you'll just have to guess what I did -- jelly beans, wizard hats, brooms for quiditch, round eye glasses, ...............?

Now to get back to 'my' stuff.


  1. You must enjoy the round robins very much. I found them stressful. One that I participated in, I had a border that I wanted to do and not one of the quilts was suitable to use it. I ended up doing it on a quilt for myself later on.

  2. Do you select the border when you get the center? It really looks good.

  3. Love the border you added! It really draws you in to the center and frames it nicely.


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