
Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Here's my sewing studio view today.  I think I'm in Paradise...............Oh!  I am!  Paradise, Michigan that is:)
There are a few inconveniences to sewing in two places (Florida and Michigan), such as I don't have my 'best-sized' ruler for making these blocks, but goodness, I think the view more than makes up for it, don't you?
I'm working on my Aiming For Accuracy Quilt Along blocks for Lesson 3.  Lesson 4 is due out tomorrow.
Wherever you are, I do hope you find some time to stitch today:)


  1. beautiful, you look like you are way up in the air. I love the windows! thanks for sharing

  2. Hi Pat,
    I was on Lake Michigan yesterday. Your view looks amazing. Happy sewing!

  3. I tried replying from the email post and not sure it worked Pat. Love your view; I'm sure it makes not having your favorite ruler unnoticeable. Is that a word? Well, you know what I mean.


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