
Sunday, March 9, 2014


Our guild show was Fri. and Sat.  What fun!

My friend Carol Becker, made this car cover a few years ago.  She parks out front to help folks find us and set the mood.

These were some of my favorites in the show.

This one had sooo much work on it!

This one is so bright and cheery!

This cathedral window jacket had some 'windows' unopened.  So unique.

I love the rainbow effect here.

This is my friend Jodi, with her beautiful bargello.

More pretties.

This photo doesn't do this quilt justice.  All the animals are paper pieced.  The size of some of the pieces is really tiny.  Each feather, each nuance.  Wow!

I've never used a brown background, but it sure is nice.

Can you tell I'm partial to applique?

An Edyta Sitar design all in batiks.  So pretty.

We had a super crowd; especially on Friday.

I'm tired exhausted after two full days at the show.  Next year, I think I'll opt for a sit down job for part of the time :)  I spent two afternoons arranging and sorting in our boutique.  It was fun and busy.

I didn't enter any quilts this year.  I'm new to guild and wanted to see how it all works.  I gave everything close attention this year.  Generally I just browse the shows.

Take down was accomplished in 36 minutes!  They passed last year's record of 45 minutes.  Lots of husbands help, and it really does work like a well-oiled machine!  So many people working together.

Now, what should I be working on?  Did I come away inspired or in awe?  New goals?


  1. applique quilts draw me too...i have a stack of photos from the 80s and 90s and every time i go back tothem, there are oodles of applique quilts...

  2. Thanks for the lovely virtual show! I missed a local one this weekend,but really enjoyed seeing all the quilts at yours!


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