
Monday, March 24, 2014


I'm back home, refreshed, renewed.  SEW worth going!

Here are some more retreat pictures.

We wore matching Fabric Acquisition Team t-shirts for our shop-hop.  At the Quilt Shop of Deland we were given demos.

We had a wall hanging challenge.  No particular rules except size.  We invited the quilters next door (Orange Blossom Quilters) and the office staff from Lake Yale to come vote too.  The office staff showed up wearing official "judge" badges/ribbons :)

Several of you have asked how to get involved with this on-line yahoo group, which has this annual Spring Thaw Retreat at Lake Yale Conference Center in Leesburg, FL.  We also do fun things like swaps and round-robins all year.

The group name is The Quilter's Thread, and the addy is:

Yes, we are welcoming new members.

Next year's retreat dates are March 11 - 15, 2015.


  1. The great T-shirt... the little quilts.. OMGosh! How wonderful! Love it. Bet everyone had a grand time. Oh... who won?


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