
Sunday, June 8, 2014


I haven't posted very often lately, as mostly I've been working on Round Robins that are secret until the owner gets hers back.  These are from a swap on The Quilter's Thread.

This is mine, that I received on Friday.  The center is a lonely orphan block from an applique class.   I LOVE the rounds that each quilter added!  The fabrics are mostly 30's, and they are much perkier than this washed-out photo shows.

The flying geese round is especially appreciated, as it was made by Josie, who has since moved on to heaven:(  She will be greatly missed by her friends and family, and yes, even by online friends who never met her in person, like me.  The world is a better place because she was here.

Here's Jodi's quilt.  I had her's last and got a picture.  Wish I could share more of them with you, as each is spectacular.

If you enjoy medallion quilts, you'd love participating in these round robins.

I'm so thankful to each participant.


  1. Beautiful RR quilts. I like the blue star border you put onto Jodi ' s the opposite corners stars so unique... I am looking forward to doing RR quilts... with friends near and far.... post a clearer photo of yours when you can... will be like seeing a new quilt, I bet.

  2. You have some interesting and creative borders added to your round robin piece. It turned out very well.


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