
Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Much of what I've been working on lately has been secret.  For example, I'm in a row swap where only the owner (original) row can be shown until all the rows get back to her.

I can't show you what I did for my row on this, but here's Marianne's starter row.

These fabrics are flora from Australia.  She included many of them in her packet, so that we could all use some in our rows for her.

Well, can't show what I did, but it has been sent onward.

There are 6 of us in this swap.  The original rows all travel in a circle.  We each make a row to go with each and send it on.  We have 6 weeks to do it, but they are traveling rather fast this year.

One of our gals is in England, so the post does take a while getting across the pond.

I've never met any of the gals in this swap, but through the years in our on-line group, I do feel like I know them very well.

Hope everyone finds some time to stitch today.

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